Alpine Footwork
ALPINE FOOTWORK 12" x 17" Acrylic on wood panel Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 Detail #1 Detail #2
Monhegan August
MONHEGAN AUGUST 13-1/2" x 7" Acrylic on wood panel
Low Morning Mist
LOW MORNING MIST 14" x 6" Acrylic on wood panel
Sketchy Islands
SKETCHY ISLANDS 16" x 8" Aryclic on wood panel
Last Week at Genevieve
Hatcher Pass Hatcher Pass Hatcher Pass Jim with new shear wall and sign from the long since closed Warehouse Restaurant.
New Map for Blacktail Mountain Nordic Ski Area
I recently drafted up a new map of the Blacktail Mountain Nordic Ski Area at Lakeside, MT. We ski here regularly. Still need to put in a...
Night Rustlers
NIGHT RUSTLERS 11" x 9-1/2" Acrylic on panel Another addition to Joan's growing collection. Props to Idaho artist Jeff Weir...
One Color Winter
ONE COLOR WINTER 13" x 10" Acrylic on wood panel Detail