UNDERSTORY 8" x 8-1/2" Acrylic on wood panel Adding some detail Blocking in some color Sketch on panel

Oh, The Places We've Been
Never listen to Dr. Seuss. We're staying put in Montana for the foreseeable future. Probably.

Dezadeash Lake
DEZADEASH LAKE 12-1/2" x 9-1/2" Acrylic on panel Partially complete. Sketch on panel.

Mazama Winter
MAZAMA WINTER 12-1/2" x 10" Acrylic on panel A pencil sketch kicks things off. I draw right over a coat of shop made gesso that I apply...

Catching Up
CATCHING UP 12-1/2" x 7" Acrylic on panel

Sizing My Paintings
I was recently asked why I paint smaller works, typically sized about 12" x 10", rather than larger works that make more of a statement....

Sun Mountain
SUN MOUNTAIN 12" x 15" Acrylic on panel

Grizzly Mist
GRIZZLY MIST 12-3/4" x 10-1/2" Acrylic on panel

Never Warm Enough
"Walker Hounds love to be warm, a consequence of their thin coats and Tennessee breeding. In cold, snowy climates, they can capably work...