Maps for Land Use Permits
A lot of land surveyors, civil engineers, and some architects produce planning maps in preparation for residential and commercial...

Swamp Legs
The serial number indicates it is from the early 1950s. I came across this trash pile the other day while on a walk in the woods. It...

Exciting Yard Clean Up
We are tackling the alder patch this spring. By "we", of course, I mean Hilary. Here we are again, hard at it. Raking up something this...

Polar Bears #10 thru #14
"If you can't sleep, count sheep. Don't count endangered animals. You will run out." - Mitch Hedberg "Today we collared and tagged one...

Right in the Old McHugh
Another nice hike up the local ridge with Lucy today. No ptarmigans, but we passed a large, sweaty party on our way down. Virga, Susitna...

Polar Bears #8 and #9
"We caught a female and yearling cub today. This little guy is the cub. We tattoo their inner gum with green ink to identify them later...

Polar Bears #2 thru #7
"We caught 6 bears today! 3 subadults (2 males, 1 female) and a family group (mom and two 1-year old male cubs). Beautiful weather. " -...

New Pics from the Neighborhood
Hilary is in the field this week, collaring polar bears out on the Chukchi Sea pack ice. They're basing out of the Red Dog Mine...

Oyster Creek
My childhood buddy, Alex, and I would go duck hunting from time to time in the little cove at the foot of Chuckanut Ridge. No matter what...