Winter Trip to Juneau
The cozy, creaky Silverbow Inn has a great coffee maker and a hot tub on the roof. Juneau has a tram located across the river and about 5...

Black & White
A collection of black and white photos I've taken recently.

Thoughts on New Workshop
With Spring just a few months away, I'm finalizing my ideas about the plan for the new workshop (~32'w x 26'd x 25'h). Here's my latest...

Melting Ditches
Flow in the local ditches slows down in winter. What water remains freezes low in the trough. But groundwater seeps that daylight along...

Airstrip Hike
Christmas hike around the loop from Brewsters to the Airstrip to the saddle to home. Mist off Turnagain Arm. Its noon. Prince William...

Automobile Museum of Bear Valley
Lucy likes me to take pictures of rusty old trucks when we're out for walks around the valley. "Targets", she calls them. This is...

Bull Moose
Walked out of the front door yesterday to find a stout fella staring at me from the bushes. He stood and admired the neighbor's H3 for...