Night Rustlers
NIGHT RUSTLERS 11" x 9-1/2" Acrylic on panel Another addition to Joan's growing collection. Props to Idaho artist Jeff Weir...

One Color Winter
ONE COLOR WINTER 13" x 10" Acrylic on wood panel Detail

UNDERSTORY 8" x 8-1/2" Acrylic on wood panel Adding some detail Blocking in some color Sketch on panel

Dezadeash Lake
DEZADEASH LAKE 12-1/2" x 9-1/2" Acrylic on panel Partially complete. Sketch on panel.

Mazama Winter
MAZAMA WINTER 12-1/2" x 10" Acrylic on panel A pencil sketch kicks things off. I draw right over a coat of shop made gesso that I apply...

Catching Up
CATCHING UP 12-1/2" x 7" Acrylic on panel

Sizing My Paintings
I was recently asked why I paint smaller works, typically sized about 12" x 10", rather than larger works that make more of a statement....

Sun Mountain
SUN MOUNTAIN 12" x 15" Acrylic on panel