Some Maps I've Made
Watercolor of Puget Sound. Portion of a larger map of Alaska I made for Audubon Alaska. Planning map for canal lining project for...
Mapping Stock Watering Structures in Southeast Idaho
I used to work for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation. I was the Soil Scientist. The Tribe manages 1.4 million...
Squiggle of Livability Map
Towns and cities of the Rocky Mountain West consistently top lists for "Livability". By livability, I mean good weather, good views, a...
Oh, The Places We've Been
Never listen to Dr. Seuss. We're staying put in Montana for the foreseeable future. Probably.
Mysterious Facility Atop Little Mt. Susitna
LOCATION. The anomaly is located in an roadless part of Alaska and out of view of populated places. Approximate Coordinates: 61deg 30'...
Explorer's Map of Bear Valley
Newly discovered map of a remote portion of Alaska authored by the renowned Arctic explorer, Atticus. Annotations by cartographic...
Mapping the Stone Walls of Rhode Island
The first time I saw a real stone wall was in the winter of 1992 on Cape Cod. I was struck by how the past 200 years had turned a humble,...