Sheeted Clastic Dikes in the Megaflood Region
The definitive article on clastic dikes in Eastern Washington. Origin, age, character, and distribution are discussed. Data driven research.
Newcomb's Folly
Nearly all clastic dikes in the Channeled Scablands are Pleistocene in age, wedge-shaped, and filled from above (Jenkins, 1925; Lupher,...
Near- and Far-Field Hydrofracture in the Formation of Sheeted Clastic Dikes
Near field (blue) and far field (red) hydrofracture curves shown. During the hydrofracture period, fluid pressure drops as fractures...
Geology at the Colville River Mouth - Lake Roosevelt, WA
Colville River Mouth. The Colville River enters the Columbia River at Rivermile 100 just south of Kettle Falls, WA. Its an easy hike...
Paleoseismic Trenching in Eastern Washington
Locations of paleoseismic trenches and Quaternary faults in Eastern Washington. Trenches excavated across fault scarps, visible in lidar...
Ancient Flood Gravel Beneath Thick Calcrete Ledges - White Bluffs, WA
Exotic clasts in gravel . An exotic clast-bearing conglomerate at White Bluffs Overlook was left by an ancient Ice Age flood. The...
Fault Scarp or Ranch Road? Review of USGS paleoseismic trench near Wallula, WA
Trenching at Wallula, WA In 2020, the U.S. Geological Survey excavated a trench across a suspected fault scarp near Wallula, WA in an...
Clastic Dikes: Sand Dikes Intruding Bedrock
Clastic Dikes in Miocene Basalt Sheeted dikes with sandy fills intrude downward into Miocene Columbia River Basalt in the Walla Walla...
Clastic Dikes in Eastern Washington: Formed by Lateral Spreading?
Lateral spreads. A network of lateral spread fractures in pavement formed by an earthquake. Peru 1970. USGS photo archive. Summary...
Clastic Dikes: Dispelling a Periglacial Origin
What Does Periglacial Mean? "Periglacial" is a term that packs a punch. Like "tundra" or "permafrost", it stands in for a full suite of...