Clastic Dike at Craig's Hill - Ellensburg, WA
Craig's Hill is located in Ellensburg, WA at the Rodeo Grounds near the Campus U-Tote-Em burger joint. Easy walkable access via roads...
Clastic Dikes in Lake Roosevelt Bluffs - Northeastern WA
Clastic dikes filled with coarse sand with cobbles up to golf ball size intrude shoreline bluffs along Lake Roosevelt in the Upper...
Silt-Capped Rhythmites at Old Lady Canyon, WA
The publication of Richard Waitt's paper describing the stratigraphy of Burlingame Canyon in 1980 opened up a can of worms. In...
Alder Ridge Landslide
Twenty gullies cut the Alder Ridge Landslide. The slide is developed in the Selah interbed and involves Miocene basalt bedrock, but...
Soft Sediment Deformation in Touchet Beds
Soft sediment deformation features in the Touchet Beds of WA, OR, ID (that are not clastic dikes). I took all of these photos. Wallula...
Video: Density of Dikes at Willow Creek, OR
Most geologists are familiar with the Touchet Beds of the Walla Walla Valley and Pasco Basin that formed upstream of Wallula Gap in...
Video: Transfer Zones in Clastic Dikes
A clear example of structural bridging (a transfer zone) in a late Pleistocene composite clastic dike in Touchet bed-equivalent...
Origins of Clastic Dikes Flowchart
Keying out clastic dikes in the field can be difficult. Click on image for larger PDF.
Video: Excavation Reveals Flute Casts on Clastic Dike Walls
Excavation of Late Pleistocene clastic dikes in the Columbia River Basin reveals the presence of flute casts with upward pointing noses....
Video: Clastic Dikes in Umatilla Basin Gravel Pit
Large outcrops are hard to come by in the Umatilla Basin. Here we check out clastic dikes in coarse Missoula flood deposits exposed in an...