Where is the Geology Voter?
County-level election results for the 2016 Presidential race. No Overlap: Examining Geoscience Map Patterns and Voter Preference For most...

Maps of Wrangel Island, Russia
The last remaining resident of Wrangel Island, Vasilina Alpaun, was mauled to death by a polar bear in October 2003. Wrangel Island is...

My Spodosol
The 12-foot deep excavation for the garage revealed a nice soil profile - we have a spodosol! Spodosols are fairly rare. Spodosols form...

Most Well-Studied Geology on Earth?
The question went out to several dozen Geologists: What is the most well-studied geology on Earth? The question casts a wide net and I...

Glacial Landforms
Glacial landforms often occur in suites. This makes formerly glaciated landscapes predictable - somewhat predictable. Landforms have...

What's in My Field Geology Pack?
Geologists do a wide variety of work. Field Geology is done on foot with a pack on your back and a map in your hand. The tools carried by...

Top 10 Washington Geologists
Influential geoscientists who have made numerous, substantial contributions to our understanding of Washington State's geology....