Sheeted Clastic Dikes in the Megaflood Region
The definitive article on clastic dikes in Eastern Washington. Origin, age, character, and distribution are discussed. Data driven research.

Ancient Flood Gravel Beneath Thick Calcrete Ledges - White Bluffs, WA
Exotic clasts in gravel . An exotic clast-bearing conglomerate at White Bluffs Overlook was left by an ancient Ice Age flood. The...

Clastic Dikes: The Tops
The tops of clastic dikes in the megaflood region appear five ways. 1.) Truncated by a bedding contact or an erosional surface 2.)...

How I Take Field Notes on Clastic Dikes
"You can tell the cut of a Geologist's jib by the state of his field book." Above is a page from one of my field books showing what data...

Evidence for Long Periods Between Fillings in Sheeted Clastic Dikes
Crosscutting relationships establish the order of events in a sheeted clastic dike exposed near TriCities, WA. 1.) Injection of yellow...

Investigating Effort
Their study consists of 83 locations in the Pasco Basin. In 1999, a group of senior geoscientists at the Hanford Nuclear Site, lead by...

Flood and Slide Deformed Deposits - Priest River, ID
The Ice Age floods inundated the southern portion of the Priest River Valley in northern Idaho, though this area is rarely mentioned in...

Flood Count Controls Clastic Dike Width in Columbia Basin, WA-OR-ID
Pleistocene age clastic dikes in the Columbia Basin, WA grew incrementally by repeated injection of sediment into cracks. Injected...

Megaflood Movie Grip
In the summer of 2008, a movie producer with National Geographic called me from England. They needed me right away. To be clear, they...