Secure Attractants
Don't let this happen to you. Secure your attractants. A Bear Management Specialist for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks asked me to design...

Thunder's New Buddy
A big, hungry male moose sauntered through the yard tonight, He was on his way to hang out with his buddy, Thunder. At first, Thunder...

Megalops Atlanticus
BELIZE TARPON. Oil pastel and ink on paper, 21" x 11" (2017).

The Pinks of Valdez
Its always a good idea to drive to the end of the road in Alaska. There aren't that many roads in the state, so they all count. From...

Kenai Dipnetting 2017
Charlie, Lucy, and I spent the day at the mouth of the Kenai River fishing alongside 1000 other like-minded Alaskans. This is dipnet...

Two Bulls
Two young bulls spent a half hour mowing my yard today. They prefer the dandilions. And the choke cherry. And the willow. Passed up the...

What Has Hilary Caught Now?
A running tally of creatures Hilary has trapped, treed, or otherwise caught lately. Updated when new photos arrive

Neighborhood This Week
The newest Rearden and Lucy get to know each other by the latter sitting on the former. An uneasy Lucy shares the sheet of OSB with...