Thoughts on New Workshop
With Spring just a few months away, I'm finalizing my ideas about the plan for the new workshop (~32'w x 26'd x 25'h). Here's my latest thoughts.

This timberframe garage by Erik Block Design-Build is darn close to what I want. Its a 2 car garage plus and apartment/office above and a separate finishing room off the left side. On our property, the house is to the left, so the shop entry door is well located. The roof overhangs need to be extended a bit. A carport would be built off the right side wall (north side). Style of the garage doors and side entry door would change.

Unlikely to build a timberframe. More likely a combination of SIP panels and traditional 2x stick construction. Approximately the view of shop from the front steps of the house.

A few things I would like to change are the windows. Windows that look something like this would be good for the back side (water-facing side) of the upstairs apartment.

Adding a row of small, square windows or glass block over the garage doors would look good. Not sure if board and batten or shingles are the way to go. The first is way nicer, the second way cheaper.

For the right side, I'd like to add a graveled carport a lot like this one.

This is the feel I'd be thrilled to acheive for the interior, or part of it at least.