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Tatshenshini: Bear Bite
Last 50 Posts
Sheeted Clastic Dikes in the Megaflood Region
Newcomb's Folly
Two Terminal Moraines in Mission Valley, MT
Calcrete Growth in Alluvial Lowlands - New Findings in Eastern Washington State
West Foster Creek - Bridgeport Hill Road, WA
Rulo Site - Walla Walla Valley, WA
Sedimentary Facies of Scabland Deposits
Reese Coulee - Walla Walla Valley, WA
I.C. Russell's Reconnaissance in Central Washington, 1892
Dual Sport Riding Gear for Montana
Some Maps I've Made
Calcrete: Friends of the Pleistocene PNW Cell 2023 - Photos from Field Trip to Eastern WA
Near- and Far-Field Hydrofracture in the Formation of Sheeted Clastic Dikes
Giant Current Ripples at Omak, WA
Geology at the Colville River Mouth - Lake Roosevelt, WA
Paleoseismic Trenching in Eastern Washington
Ancient Flood Gravel Beneath Thick Calcrete Ledges - White Bluffs, WA
New Artwork - Winter 2023
Calcrete Field Trip 2023 - Hendricks Road at Eagle Lakes, WA
Calcrete-Capped Megaflood Gravel - George, WA
Dune Fields of the Upper Columbia River Region, WA
Fault Scarp or Ranch Road? Review of USGS paleoseismic trench near Wallula, WA
Great Terrace of the Columbia #1 - The Explorers
Great Terrace of the Columbia #2 - The Geologists
Correlating Measured Sections - White Bluffs, WA
Harder Road - Calcrete Over pre-Wisconsin Flood Gravel
Hydraulic Fractures are Simple & Efficient
Clastic Dikes: The Tops
Clastic Dikes: Sand Dikes Intruding Bedrock
Clastic Dikes in Eastern Washington: Formed by Lateral Spreading?
Clastic Dikes: Dispelling a Periglacial Origin
Before Bretz
Lind Coulee Fault near O'Sullivan Dam - Potholes Reservoir, WA
Roald Fryxell: My spirit animal
Repeated Soft Sediment Deformation - Lake Rufus Woods, WA
Periglacial Soil Wedges East of Glacier National Park
Clastic Dikes at Metaline Falls, WA
Pleistocene(?) Alluvial Stratigraphy - Lind Coulee, WA
Tetons Drive
Structureless Sandstone Beds - White Bluffs, WA
Diatomite Lake Invaded by Molten Lava - Frenchman Hills, WA
Old Maid Coulee Site Geology - Connell, WA
Baja 2022: Places We Visited
Dry Hollow Site Geology near Clyde, WA
A North Slope Field Geologist c. 1919
Two Lines in Motorcycle Design - Norden 901 & KTM 990
Sanpoil-style Syn-sedimentary Deformation
Linear Surface Anomalies - Bennington, ID
Slide Planes, Mud Squirts & Diamicts in Upper Grand Coulee
Calcrete Field Trip 2021 - Stokrose Gravel Pit
All Posts by Month
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