Worthington Glacier Hike

Thompson Pass near Valdez is one of Alaska's great places. You get the sense you could hike in any direction for miles, summitting craggy peaks and traversing glacially scoured terrain for days. Lucy and I only had about an hour, so we pulled off into a state recreation site parking lot hoping to find a trail. In short order, a steep trail atop a lateral moraine quickly put us in the alpine zone with good views of the Worthington Glacier. Turns out, the glacier is a World Heritage Site.

We saw no one else on our hike along the aesthetic ridgeline path. Great volumes of water poured from bedrock channels and formed a series of huge waterfalls. The waterfalls alone would make for a nice roadside attraction, but were all but dwarfed by the larger glacial landscape.

We turned around at the cairn. Next time, we will go much farther.

Lucy likes marmots.