Some Maps I've Made

Watercolor of Puget Sound.

Portion of a larger map of Alaska I made for Audubon Alaska.

Planning map for canal lining project for engineers and maintenance staff at Flathead Indian Irrigation Project, MT.

Two ages of continental ice in USA/Canada for Nick Zentner at CWU.

Kame terrace geology with giant current ripples in the Okanogan Valley, WA.

Geomorphic units in the Saddle Mountains-Frenchman Hills-Drumheller Channels area, central Washington.

Geomorphic surfaces/deposits along the Flathead River near Moiese, MT.

Calcrete region of the US for a talk I gave to Central Washington University Geology Department.

Armored and natural shorelines mapping I did about 15 years ago on Fidalgo Island, WA.

Two routes taken by pre-Missoula (ancient) scablands floods.

Proposed routes of pre-Ice Age flood drainages across eastern Washington.

Irrigation canals, major diversions, and streams in the Jocko Valley for the Flathead Indian Irrigation Project, MT.

Map emphasizing the unique gravel bars of Buckley Bar in the Columbia River.

Summary sketch for the 2024 Friends of the Pleistocene PNW Cell trip I led on calcretes, Saddle Mountains area, WA.

Research sites for my calcrete project in Eastern Washington, 2023.

Crustal composition may not play a roll in the occurrence of clastic dikes.

DEM clipped to the 400m contour that approximates the Channeled Scablands of WA, OR, and ID.

Comparison of Bretz (1919) with DEM data from the 2000s. Bretz nailed it.

This map after it dawned on me just how many anticlinal ridges were breached by major rivers of Eastern Washington and later by the Missoula floods. Downcutting defeated uplift. The rates of each may be trending in different directions in the past million years or so.

Map for my calcrete research. Calcrete exists at a geomorphic triple junction - where Palouse, Scablands, and Fold Belt overlap.

Excerpt of a larger stone walls map I made of the Newport area of Rhode Island. Hilary's parent used to live on Sakonnet Point.

Excerpt of a larger map showing the density of shipping route traffic in the Arctic Ocean for Audubon Alaska.

'Squiggle of Livability' map I created to help determine where we (and maybe you) should move next.

Cross section showing calcrete (old soils) preserved in ancient scabland coulees cut before Missoula time near Othello, WA.

Image for talk on calcretes to CWU students.

Map in a field trip guide for a trip I led for the Seattle-based Washington Geological Society.

Excerpt of a map showing the proposed molybdenite mine development at Mount Tolman, WA for a TRGS publication.

Most of my clastic dikes research sites.

Soils near Omak, WA for a grant proposal.

Excerpt of soil depth map for the Colville Indian Reservation, WA.

Surficial geologic map of the Oneida Narrows area in southeastern Idaho. I published this through Idaho Geologic Survey when I was doing PhD work at Utah State University, a degree I did not complete.

Portion of a larger cross section showing the geology of the Chukchi Sea platform off NW Alaska. Section is drawn through Alaska's only 5 offshore wells. None were deemed economic. All were abandoned after drilling. Did you know that there are no producing offshore oil wells in Alaska other than a few in Cook Inlet near Anchorage?

Excerpt from a larger map I made for the Colville Tribes Archaeology Department in 2005.

One of may satellite images I processed as a graduate student at UWyo for the Gurvan-Saihan Joint Venture, a uranium exploration group working in Mongolia.

Armored and natural shorelines of Samish Island, WA.

Excerpt of a parks map of Alaska for Audubon Alaska.

Excerpt of a polar bear habitat and sea ice margin map I made for Audubon Alaska.

Excerpt of a generalize bedrock geology and soil type pedons for the Colville Indian Reservation Environmental Trust Program.

Excerpt of a draft walrus habitat map of Alaska for Audubon Alaska.

Excerpt of a map predicting the likelihood of future road maintenance costs in the Omak Creek Watershed, Colville Reservation.

Portion of a proposal map for expansion of a rock quarry in Puget Sound for Metron Associates Land Surveyors and Planning.

First results from a GIS-based automated terrace mapping exercise my Boise State University GIS students completed.

Conceptual drawing illustrating my transect method for assessing soil damage in timber harvest blocks, Colville Reservation.

Sketch of the uber remote Wrangel Island features, Russian Arctic.

Part of a map of the City of Boise's greenbelt.

Watercolor of Methow River channel.

Part of an image illustrating tectonic geomorphology concepts.

Offensive map I sent to a friend back when Gray Wolves were on the front page of Idaho newspapers everyday.

Watersheds of the Colville Indian Reservation, WA.

Geologic cross section of Rattlesnake Mountain near Cody, WY I made during a short course recruiting event with Exxon Mobile. This probably got me the internship. It wasn't my looks.

Old school topographic map of my Anchorage, AK homesite made to support to the permitting process for a new garage-shop.

Part of an instructional document on viewshed-based method of animal tracking using fixed GPS stations prepared for GIS4Geomorphology.

Sketch from a field book made during an oil company recruiting trip to northern Utah. Remember when we had this memorized?

Sketch made of Rattlesnake Mountain, WY as a student during field camp.

Example of simple, "boring but pretty good" cartographic layout for my Boise State GIS students.

Antique looking map of SE Idaho.

Guidebook for TRGS annual meeting in Republic, WA held in 2014.

Oil geology basics of northern Alaska for Audubon Alaska.

Map sent to an archaeologist indicating the areas needed survey for cultural artifacts.

Trying to find fluvial fairways within and beneath basalt. Water wells, gravity contours, and subsurface interps I made for an area north of Preston, ID.

Field course map of a canyon near Taos, NW made as a student. Might not look like much, but this footwall anticlinorium was pretty hard to visualize back then.

Map accompanying a grant proposal for stream restoration funding for Nespelem Creek, WA.

Cougar management zones of Washington for WSU.

Polar Bear home range data in AK compiled from various studies emphasizing information gaps and contradictory info.

Part of a land use permit application I made for the City of Anchorage Planning Dept.

Excerpt of a larger geomorphic map of the Kettle River, WA for Colville Tribes Archaeology Department.

Sketch of glacial deposits for a class.

Watershed delineation instructional materials for my Boise State GIS students.

Wyoming geology.

Glacial margin in the Sanpoil River area, WA.

Practicably irrigable lands assessment for the Colville Indian Reservation, WA.

Photo interp project.

Field guide map.

Exploded watersheds map.

Land type associations draft map, Omak Lake area, WA.

Grant proposal for roads inventory funding.

Sketch I made as a participant on a 6-week NRCS soil geomorphology course held at Pullman, WA.

Mountain biking trails of Bogus Basin, ID that my Boise State GIS students put together.

Map of climbing areas at City of Rocks, ID that my Boise State GIS students put together.

Photomap of my so-called 'Throatgrappler Traverse' and Beckey's 'Horseface Traverse' at Washington Pass, WA.

City of Rocks climbing map detail.

Whitman College map.

Map for an article in Ecological Applications Journal that I am a coauthor on.

Polar Bear seasonal home ranges in Alaska for Audubon Alaska.

Cultural resources map.

Figure from my masters thesis on the Laramie Anorthosite, WY.

Missoula floodwater depth for south-central Washington.

Our wedding events map for guests traveling to New England.

Planning map for a survey proposal document for Metron Associates.