Ucluelet & the Broken Islands Group, BC

Courtney took all of these photos.


Our marina.

The other guys' marina.

Tofino's surf-saturated culture gently spills over into friendly Ucluelet.

Dinosaur coffee is lucky coffee.

A, Double-A, and Dr. Bob ready to haul slabs on discount rack Coyotes off Wya and Swale. Wait...what?

Their team beat our team in both touch football and no-net sand volleyball.

Goats on the roof and hippies in isle 7.

Courtney's Guide Service is the best in Ukee.

"Fifty-four and one-eleven"

Hil makes the cover of Bass Fisherman Monthly.

Swale Rock Light.

We haul another hog-slab over the rail outside the Brokens.

Diving bird took a lure to the forehead, but was OK.

One out of three ain't bad.

Fisherman fix their torn nets at the dock. The work involves a few spools of waxed line, a lot of coffee, and all the swear words you know.

According to the map, the west coast of Vancouver Island is populated with three kinds of people: Northern, Central, and Southern Whaling People. The rest are tourists.

Scotty downriggers, hundreds of tiny islands, flat seas, and bent rods.

Backward waders are lucky waders.

Broken Islands Group, Pacific Rim National Park, B.C.

ER doc by day, sport fishing skipper by night, Dr. D consistently puts us on the fish.

The trusty, rusty Whaler Revenge 25.

Stoner humor.

These work.

Tie-dyed shirts are lucky shirts.

Found on floor of truck.

One motivated dog.

"There's fish in the them thar seas."

Two dollars of coffee and $2500 in rain jackets.

Fish plays the straight man. Look at that expression.

If you see a wolf in Ukee, either go limp or make like a tree.

Travel advice: Make the 8:10pm ferry out of Nanaimo if at all possible.

Summer's over. School starts Tuesday.