Sedimentary Facies of Scabland Deposits
Boulder gravels - Pateros
Laminated sands w/ ripups - Latah Ck, Pasco Basin
Touchet Beds - WWV
Gravel-bottomed rhythmites - Hwy 14 gullies,
Reworked colluvium - Pataha area, Hwy 14 gullies
Glacial Lake Columbia rhythmites - Hunters shoreline
Sanpoil style lake-flood stacks - Sanpoil shoreline
Silt diamicts, reworked pebbly silts - Loess
Sand sheets, thin rhythmites - Quincy Basin canal

Touchet Beds - Burlingame Canyon near Lowden, WA. Sand-silt 'slackwater' beds with minor gravel at the base of some. O.P. Jenkins photo.

Touchet Beds - Willow Creek Valley at Cecil, OR.

Touchet Beds - Sand-gravel bottoms and silt-sand slackwater tops. Abundant angular clasts in larger size fractions remobilized from local hillslopes (reworked colluvium). Latah Creek at Qualchan Golf Course west of Spokane, WA.

Energetic boulder gravel with many angular clasts capped by lower-energy sand-silt beds. Starbuck, WA.

Laminated sands variant - Latah Creek at Qualchan Golf Course/High Drive, west Spokane, WA.

Laminated sands variant - Smith Canyon near Eltopia, WA.

Laminated sands variant - Rock Creek west of Sundale, WA (tributary to Columbia River).

Reworked colluvium - Columbia Gorge downstream of Wallula Gap at Alder Ridge, WA. Sheeted clastic dikes descend through deposit.

Lake-flood rhythmites variant - Upper Columbia River (Lake Roosevelt) shoreline bluff across from Grand Coulee Dam (Spring Canyon).

Lake-flood rhythmites variant - Flood sands punctuate lakebed deposition along the Sanpoil River. Landslide scarp expsure.

Lake-flood rhythmites variant - Repeated, energetic subaqueous flows with meter-scale flow-deformed beds. Wilmont Creek, WA.

Ancient overland flood gravels variant - Calcrete rip-ups and exotic clasts. Pre-late Wisconsin age deposit at White Bluffs Overlook, WA.

Ancient flood gravel grading upward to silt-pebble diamict (upper portion of flood deposit) - Marengo railcut.

Touchet Bed-like rhythmites with lower portions composed of angular, locally-derived basalt (reworked talus/hillslope colluvium) and upper portions composed of silt-sand. Exposed in gullies of Alder Ridge, WA off Hwy 14.

Lake-flood rhythmites variant - Glacial Lake Columbia. Exposed along Upper Columbia/lake Roosevelt and Sanpoil River Valley.

Lake-flood rhythmites variant - Repetitively-deformed lakebeds along the Sanpoil River. Pulses of flood sand load and remobilize the soupy, sticky, clayey lake beds, creating spectacular dike-sill structures (t-shaped mud squirts) and roll-ups. Cross cutting relationships show the deformation is entirely related to forces imparted by floods entering from the Columbia.

Touchet Beds variant - Rhythmites with laminar sand bases and lighter colored silt caps (late- to inter-flood alluvium). Old Lady Canyon, WA. Was Waitt correct?